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Influntial ARTICLES:


Influntial People

Capacities and Themes

I have challenged myself to consider each of the course capacities and question the significance these capacities have on my inquiry question and how I can integrate them into my field study.  I have decided the three capacities I would like to focus on:


  • ENGAGE in innovative practice, encourage risk-taking and support learning communities in local and global contexts.

  • SITUATE the student at the centre in co-learning, co-planning, and co- teaching pedagogical pathways.

  • COLLABORATE purposefully with students, colleagues, parents and other educational partners


Field Study Question:

“ Can I incorporate Proactive Plan B into my daily practice, and will I observe any change in my student of focus after integrating this Collaborative Problem Solving method?”


But then I started thinking.....

What if....

I already know that Proactive Plan B is a method that will DEFINATLY   improve my teaching AND I know that I will DEFINATLY observe growth in any student of focus.... 

There has been countless hours, meetings, collaborative days, Pro-D days that went into creating our WHY and purpose behind what we do.  This year we decided to create and focus on three school-wide goals..... 

Did we create three school wide goals, as professionals with intutition, that actually address the current needs of our students... 

When using Ross Greene's Collaborative Problem Solving method with student's, will the issues and skills that the student/teacher partnership pin point be supported and validated by our school goals? Will I find a missing link?

My field study question has evolved from:

“ Can I incorporate Proactive Plan B into my daily practice, and will I observe any change in my student of focus after integrating this Collaborative Problem Solving method?”


AND shifted slightly to:

" With a strong attachment and the use of Plan B, will I be able to collect direct and non-direct evidence for each goal?"



" Will I discover any difficulties that are not being addressed by one of our year long goals?"

"Could there be a similar pattern of difficulties that students are experiencing that should guide our vision for the upcoming year?"   


All students will demonstrate growth in effective communication.

(verbal, written and visual)


Students will be able to recognize the current state of their physical/mental well-being and be able to actively implement strategies that promote healthy living.

(physical, mental and interpersonal). 

Direct Evidence

●Improvement completing rubrics that assess visual, written, verbal

●Students are showing representation of what they know

●School-wide-write results, based on performance standards, will show growth over the year

●Increase achievement on provincial exams

●Increased participation and presentations of learning






Indirect Evidence


●Students are identifying their personal strengths and weaknesses with their verbal, written, visual output.

●Students are having more respectful social media interactions

●Student are using appropriate language in a variety of environments

●Students are communicating their needs which is leading to more positive interactions with peers, staff and the community


Direct Evidence

●Students are starting to their own project based learning projects

●Most students are in class on time

●Most students are prepared to learn

●Most students can articulate what they are learning, and how it is going

●Most students will participate in a variety of learning activities

●Students will present projects on their passions (ex. Film course, create movies, showcase posters)






Indirect Evidence


●Students have developed self advocacy skills

●Increase in respectful interactions with peers and staff

●Follow through with their projects and plans

●Students are taking less negative reaction to criticism

●Some students are able to reflect, debate, discuss with a healthy dose of grey

●Students are becoming more mindful/open to others opinions

Direct Evidence

●Making healthy food in foods class

●Increase attendance and engagement at school

●Decreased number of negative outbursts

●Decreased the number of outreach students

●Decreased the number of students attending under the influence

●Students are effectively communicating their emotional state to staff and asking for support

●Decrease in drug/alcohol use

●Decrease tobacco use (Students are quitting)

●Healthier food choices and awarness outside of school times.

●Higher attendance in PE and Outdoor Leadership activities.


Indirect Evidence


●Overall attitudes are more positive

●Students are aware of changing sleep patterns.

●Students are well fed or know how to access food.

●Students will not miss appointments or will be in the know.

●Student's hygiene will improve

●Students are asking questions that show a move towards recognizing their state/ making a change

●RAP feels like a community, no one is left out.

Students are holding one another accountable


Students will take initiative for their own learning, articulate and develop passions via personal reflection and active collaboration.

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