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Professional Development Log:



November 26th, 2010- Sea to Sky Professional Learning Day

  • Talk About Assessment: Eight Big Ideas to Improve Learning for All Students


April 10th, 2010- Awareness & Prevention of Harassment 

  • School District #48 hosted this Pro-D and was free for TOC's.


October 18th, 2010- Mentoring Boys Work Shop


June 25-27th, 2011- Gordon Neufeld Training with Nina Fields (Facilitator)

  • Making Sense of Discipline


December 17th, 2012- Blended Learning Professional Development 


Janurary 13th, 2012- Self Directed with DL teachers.


Janurary 19-20th, 2012- Alternative Educators Conference


Janurary 25th, 2012- Mental Health and Behaviour


March 1st, 2012- Apple Products Educators Conference


July 23-27, 2012- Life Space Crisis Intervention (USA)


August 28-30th, 2012- Project Based Learning with Buck Institute


September 15th, 2012- DBT Skills Training


Septemeber 19th, 2012- Food Safe 

  • Basic Sanitation Program for Food Handlers.


Septemeber 21st, 2012- RAP/DL Staff Professional Development Day


October 19th, 2012- Professional Development Day


October 26th, 2012- RAP/DL Staff Professional Development Day

  • Ross Greene- CPS reflection and continued learning.


February 15th, 2013- Alerternate Educators Conference

  • Gordon Neufeld- Alpha Children: reclaiming our rightful place in their lives.


March 28-30th, 2013- Renton Academy Visit


October 25th, 2013- Math Educators Conference


Janurary 31st,2014- Professional Development Day


Feburary 20th, 2014- Alternate Educators Conference: Challenge and Change

Session 1: Substance Use: Help not Harm - ​A Resiliency-Based Approach to Substance Use Evidence suggests that a better way to handle substance use in schools is to focus on restoring the social bonds and relationships that are crucial for building personal resiliency. This workshop focused on a resiliency-based approach that: focuses on capabilities rather than deficits;  prepares young people to make effective decisions in the complex real world in which they live, learn and play; engages students in the exploration of human experiences with drugs using a constructivist, inquiry focused approach; and  recognizes the importance of the community/the cohort rather than just the individual. This workshop introduced a new approach and practice with practical tools and resources aimed to help schools help their students thrive, not just avoid the problematic use of substances. 

Session 2: Executive Function Deficits: Applications and Interventions for the School Setting - The majority of students with behavioural and learning difficulties have underlying executive function deficits. I was provided with an overview of executive functions (e.g., planning, organization, emotional regulation, behavioural inhibition, task initiation) and ways to implement effective supports. 

Session 3: Lunch in El Salvador: Foods and Nutrition program planning


​October 24th, 2014- Professional Development Day


January 26th, 2015- Professional Development Day


April 24th, 2015- Where's Your Evidence 


May 15th, 2015- Professional Development Day


July 3rd, 2015- SFU Self-Evaluation 


November 17-18th, 2015 Coast Metro Consortium- Jay McTighe Part 1 &2 -UDB Workshop


January 12th, 2016 SD #48 Curriculum Learning Design Day. (See link on January 29th for planning document.)


January 29th, 2016  I was a member of the team the planned and facilitated this day for the entire school district. Curriculum Design Day #1


February 19-20, 2015 BC Alternative Educators Conference

Keynote- Dr. Martin Brokenleg: Drawing on his research with Drs. Larry Brendtro and Steve Van Bockern in their book, Reclaiming Youth at Risk, Dr. Martin Brokenleg presents The Circle of Courage which offers concrete strategies for creating environments in which all young people can grow and flourish. 

Session 1 Executive Function Deficits - Dr. Georgina Robinson is the principal of the Provincial Outreach Program for Autism and Related Disorders (POPARD). She is a school psychologist, an educational/behavioural consultant, and a special education teacher. The majority of students with behavioural and learning difficulties have underlying executive function deficits. This session provided me with an overview of executive function (e.g., planning, organization, emotional regulation, behavioural inhibition, task initiation) and links between executive function deficits, various childhood disorders, and the development of executive function will be presented. When looking at case examples, the academic and social/behavioural difficulties of executive function dysfunctions and effective supports were be demonstrated, including an intervention planning process that I can use in my classroom and daily practice.

Session 2 and 3: Attachment, Trauma and Adolescence - Dr. Marlene Moretti, Professor of Clinical Psychology at SFU. She led the development of an attachment based intervention program for parents of troubled youth, which has recently been adapted to address issues of trauma and foster care placement implemented across Canada, Sweden, Italy and USA. Karla Braber, Manager of Community Services, Maples Adolescent Treatment Centre is responsible for the systemic roll-out of Connect throughout the Province of British Columbia along with training and clinical supervision of the leaders of this intervention. In the morning of this all day session, we discussed the impact of trauma on attachment and neuro-development; differentiated attachment injuries from attachment problems and attachment disorders; discussed the building blocks of attachment security and how these translate to classroom and therapeutic settings. In the afternoon, we went through four attachment principles, using experiential exercises to understand how we can apply what we know to what we do in our work with troubled youth. We  took part in small group exercises designed to help translate learning into concrete practice strategies.


February 15th, 2016 Coast Metro Consortium- Jay McTighe Part 3-UDB Workshop 

Doc 1  Doc 2  Doc 3  Doc 4


February 18-19th, 2016 BC Alternative Educators Conference 


March 4th, 2016 Curriculum Design Day #2


November 2-3rd, 2016 Coast Metro Consortium Lynn Erickson- Concept Based Curriculum and Instruction


November 4th, 2016 Curriculum Implementation Day (Planning Documents)


September-June, 2017 Neufeld Institute Online course. See Commonplace book for reflections. Intensive Level 1






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