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Creating a New Code of Conduct

Sea to Sky Learning Connections


We, the school community of Sea to Sky Learning Connections, are honoured to be learning on the traditional territory of the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh, Úxwumixw and St’át’yemc Nation

Statement of Purpose:

This Code of Conduct establishes safe, caring and orderly environments for purposeful and powerful learning at all Sea to Sky Learning Connections Schools and Programs.

This Code of Conduct sets expectations for behaviour while at our school, at school-related activities or in any other circumstances where engaging in an activity will have an impact on our school environment including the online environment.

This Code of Conduct adopts a progression of expectations held for our students as they become older, more mature and move through successive grades. This includes:

  • increasing personal responsibility and self-discipline

  • increasing consequences for continued inappropriate conduct

For this Code of Conduct, special considerations may apply if our students are unable to comply with the expectations due to having a disability of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional or behavioural nature.

This Code of Conduct also addresses the prohibited grounds of discrimination as set out in the BC Human Rights Code.

Conduct Expectations

Acceptable conduct is demonstrated by:

  • engaging in purposeful learning activities

  • showing care for oneself, others and our learning environment

  • participating fully in all school-based and off-site activities

  • helping to make sure our school is a safe, caring and orderly place

  • acting as positive mentors for our younger students

  • engaging cooperatively with our staff and peers

  • informing our staff of incidents of bullying, harassment or intimidation

  • acting in a manner that brings credit to yourself and to our school

Conduct Expectations Continued:

Unacceptable Conduct is demonstrated by:

Behaviours that:

  • interfere with the learning of others, including their emotional well-being

  • interfere with an orderly environment, including not following direction from staff

  • create unsafe conditions

Acts, such as:

  • bullying, harassment and intimidation, whether online or face-to-face

  • physical violence

  • retribution against someone who has reported incidents

  • discrimination in any form, including: race, colour, gender, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, ancestry or national origin

Illegal Acts, such as:

  • possession, use or distribution of illegal or restricted substances

  • possession or use of weapons, including replica weapons and explosives

  • theft of or damage to property

*Behaviours (both acceptable and unacceptable) cited in this Code of Conduct are examples only and the above is not an all-inclusive list.

Consequences: Consequences for unacceptable behaviour will have the following characteristics:

  • Responses are to be timely, consistent and fair

  • Disciplinary action, wherever possible, is to be preventative and restorative, rather than punitive

  • Students are to be encouraged to participate in the development of meaningful consequences and restorative measures for violations of the Code of Conduct

  • Restorative circles are to be used as a part of most consequences to support the growth of the offender, so that they can come back to the group stronger

  • Students may be required to go home for the day following an incident at school to ensure a safe and orderly environment

  • Repeated offences, issues of a serious nature, or issues that can not be resolved at the school level will be treated as per School District 48 policy

Notification/Advisement of other parties: Our school has a responsibility to advise other parties of serious breaches of our Code of Conduct. Individuals and/or agencies that may need to be informed include: a student’s parents, the parents of other students who were involved, school district officials, the police or other agencies, where the law requires, or the parents of all students in the school, when our school community needs to be reassured that a serious situation is being addressed.

Code of Conduct Sharing Process

Each year, the Code of Conduct is to be distributed to our staff, students and parents at the start of the year. It is to be provided and/or reviewed as a part of every new registration and/or intake process for new students and their parents and/or guardians. It is to be provided to our new staff members, temporary staff members, visitors and those acting as ambassadors for our schools, including volunteers, coaches, parents and other community members. The Code of Conduct is also to be displayed in the schools in front entrances, and on school websites.

The Code of Conduct is to be reviewed face-to-face two times per year with our students by our Principal or designate, during the first week of school and on before the second week of March.

The Code of Conduct is to be reviewed with parents by the Principal or designate at our first PAC meeting and our first staff meeting of each school year.

The Code of Conduct “Acceptable Conduct” expectations are to be consistently taught and actively promoted by all members of our school community.

Code of Conduct Review Process

Each year, in February, the Code of Conduct consultation review process will occur. Staff, students and parents will be consulted and any changes will be approved by the Principal before the end of the month. Once approved, the Code of Conduct will be set for the following school year.

This Code of Conduct is to be reviewed to ensure it reflects current and emerging situations and are contributing to school safety.

This Code of Conduct is to be reviewed and improved in light of evidence gathered and/or relevant research.

The Code of Conduct is to be reviewed to ensure it is compatible with BC Ministry of Education Standards, SD48 Sea to Sky Policy, other schools in the community and across elementary, middle and secondary levels.

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