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Reflections: Literature as data

Nirbhay N. Singh, Giulio E. Lancioni, Subhashni D. Singh Joy, Alan S.W. Winton, Mohamed Sabaawi, Robert G. Wahler, and Judy Singh. Adolescents With Conduct Disorder Can Be Mindful of Their Aggressive Behavior. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Spring 2007 15: 56-63, doi:10.1177/10634266070150010601

This article is a study that looked at the short and long term effectiveness of a self-regulation technique taught to aggressive youth. Most of my students have behaviour challenges that impact either their academic, social, mental health, and/or well being. Behavioural challenges are a “repetitive and persistent pattern of behaviour in which the basic rights of others or major age-appropriate societal norms or rules are violated.” There are many strategies and interventions methods that have been developed but “little in the research literature enables the therapists to predict which interventions will work with a specific adolescent.” I think that it is important that I keep in mind that I will need to use multisystem interventions to ensure lasting changes.

The main learning outcome when teaching Meditation on the Soles of the Feet is to enable my students “to engage in and take control of their own behaviour” which is a key for mental health recovery. Meditation on the Soles of the Feet is a technique that our school therapist is highly trained in and she already has a trusting relationship with most of my students. The aspects that I like are the fact that this strategy is “simple to learn, can be used in all settings, and has been proven effective in the self-control of aggressive behaviour.” I like that the onus of change is on the adolescent, and not teachers, parents or therapists. Any self-regulation technique that I teach to my students needs to have a component where the skills are taught, learned, practiced and transferred out of the classroom so that my students will experience the long-term benefits.

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