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Inspiration, Quotes, and Learning Statements....

"My first day of high school, I expected to go straight to class. I was surprised to see all the tables in the main room of the school pushed against the wall and all the chairs arranged in a circle. I was invited to sit down and our principle started talking. He asked us all how we were and told us how today would look. This was different for me then other first days of school because this was not just my class and a teacher. It was every student and teacher sitting and talking. I could tell that I was now a part of something important. I did not however think it would become so important to me. I have looked forward to starting and ending every day with a circle for the past 4 years. It was a way to get to know kids I didn't have class with and wouldn't get to know otherwise. I was able to connect with student and my teachers. And we were able to deal with things that affected us as a school or just as a few students. Whenever our students have issues amongst each other we have a private circle to work out our issues. It's a great way to deal with things because it is a safe environment, everyone gets a turn to talk about everything that is bothering them and get to offer solutions. Circle teaches us about each other, to care about and listen to each to her. Circle brings our school together and I am happy that I have experienced it. It is a wonderful way to get to know otherwise students and teachers and to tell us what is going on in our world and in our own lives. Circle has helped me learn about others and taught me to connect to them. I will carry with me the things I've learned for a long time. Thank you."

Restorative thinking is a significant shift from punishment-oriented thinking. People, including students, who are invited into restorative dialogue are sometimes confused by the concept of “making

things right."

Restorative Practices build community and can help set things right when the integrity of the community is challenged by harmful behaviors.

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