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On going work and further investigation!

My learning round went a little sideways....

Upon reflection, there were a number of contributing factors:

- I was supposed to ask someone to be part of the group, but I didn't. I don't really know why, but I just didn't really know anyone who I thought would want to come?!

- I was not given an agenda or timetable. The agenda that I showed last blog post was from another learning round that I was able to be part of. Apparently I was the first person (who didn't go to Harvard or receive training) who had a learning round. I didn't know what to expect and really had no idea what was going to happen. I team teach and so I got the rounds team to go into the class (I thought Josie and the class were at a good point where the kids would be working away) but it was a bit of an ackward moment in the lesson.

- I wasn't included to observe and listen when the group was "unpacking" their observations and creating patterns. I came into the conversation well after it was over. It was a really weird moment where I was kinda just there trying to read all the notes and had no idea what the process was to getting to this point. I also was not able to tell the group which pattern, that they found through observation, was most important to me. The one they chose to focus on was actually the one I am most embarressed about. I really wish I was part of the process, so that I would have been able to choose anther "theme" that might have yeilded some guidance for my next level of work. I am very thankful that Leslie (my mentor) was actually having a learning round the next week! I was able to be part of her round and see and participate in rounds process.

Next Level of Work:

The next level of work suggestions that I got were the following:

- Carol Dweck (Growth Mindset) I think this is a book they wanted me to read?

- Total participation techniques ( Resreach some and try them out?)

- I should set better learning targets

- Set up structures for students to find their things

- Oral language techniques (I'm not sure if the suggestion was to research and find some to use?)

- Daily 5

- Tribes

I ended up finding some resources the help with the next level of work. I bought the book 'Boy Smarts' and read the chapters that focused on how to facilitate student-led classroom meetings, and how to encourage cooperative learning. I also went back to Faye Brownlie and Judith King's "Learning in Safe Schools' for some reflective reading. I ended up focusing the chapter about building an inclusive culture in a secondary classroom. I know that sports and elective classes naturally build convidence and connection. I want to create these kinds of experiences for connection in the classroom for ALL students. This chapter helped remind me that I need to help strip labels. They need to come off and this can prove to be very difficult because I deal with students who have seen themselves (and others) occupy a certian role over the past 12 years! Students must feel valued and necessary before the are confortable taking risks in the classroom. My classroom has grown from 9 to 18 over this year. We have built great community/school culture but time is needed, when new students are added to the classroom, to reestablish the classroom learning norms. I think my POP has come from my internal struggle with moving the students who are ready and trying to get my new students feeling safe enough to take part in collaborative and "risky" learning in the classroom and in front of their peers.

Did I answer my proposal questions and what did I try in the classroom?

Just kidding....

Some activities that I tried with my class:

- Additional student-led class circles

- Think/pair/share


- Funeral for put-downs

- Partner interview and introduction

- Classroom norms

- Snowball i-message

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