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Fall Field Study Presentation

Field Study Presentation:

During this field study I tried to look back at my proposal, as much a possible, to inform my next steps. I had so many sub-questions and I wanted to try and challenge my self to try figure out most of them in the first half of the year. For each subquestions, I am going to show a peice of evidence or "data" and talk about my aha moments.

  • How do I co-plan with a part time teacher?

DATA: Jr.Humanities ideas sheet, shared folders, Show FW days and built in planning/collab days-show photo and co-planning folder.

  • How do I co-assess a multi-curriculum course?

DATA: Show assessment tracker, talk about formitive assessment, benchmarks and summative assessment.

  • How do I plan units for a multi-age and cross-curricular course and ensure that we address all of the “big ideas”?

DATA: Show big ideas creation and talk about creations from a PBL lense.

  • How can I use technology to collect and organize evidence during my field study?

DATA: Website, Google Drive, Iphone and icalendars (phone/Computer/Jr.Humanities and SSA collborative cal)

  • Can I develop an “online desk” that I can continue to use throughout my career?

DATA: On Drive.....Pro-D,Other Courses, Staff Docs etc.

  • Can I teach my students how to use Google drive?

DATA: Yes! Show the incoming and pull up a few students Drives! Show the "student edit" folder. Talk about not forgetting email,loosing flashdrives, which computer was I on, world wide tool. They get the idea of "share" from facebook and it's helping to use their "tech" skills and put them to use in a school setting.

  • Will it be easier to have the kids share their completed work on the drive or still print it out and keep it in their binders?

DATA: Drive is best. We still print off and display finished projects and also put a copy into a hand copy file folder.


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