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Reconnect Alternative School is now Sea to Sky Alternate School!

We have had some changes.

We are now Sea to Sky Alternative School.

Our Principal is now located in Pemberton and we have a new Vice-Principal on site.

I am team planning, teaching, assessing a mulit-age and cross-curricular junior group.

I have fifteen 9/10 students in the Junior Group and I have them for either all morning or all afternoon. Every other day we flip flop the day, so Humanities in the morning on Monday means that it will take place in the afternoon on Tuesday.

I am now team teaching with a new teacher... as in, the teahcing assignment changed, and Josie is a totally also a new face to our team.

Josie is my partner for the Humanities and Mark is my partner for Sciences.

Last year I had a chance to team teach 9/10 math with Mark and this year we will be including:

Junior Sciences

Junior Math



The double blocks are catagorized as: Humanities or Sciences.

The "courses" that are we have included into our Humanities course will be:


Social Studies





My field study is going to be the study of how to team plan, teach and assess a cross curricular course. I am planning on using Google Drive as my tool. I am going to start this process with Josie becasue she is pro-technology and also becasue this is her first year teaching at a non-traditional school. We both are looking to create a new and streamlined way to team teach. I will keep this field study for the full year and dependng on how it progresses, I might incorperate both of my teaching parteners.

Some of my goals are to co-create:

A shared calendar and sync it to personal iphone

Use shared calendar to add and continually edit what we are currently doing and where we are going

Create a shared folder where we both access and edit all files

Create daily hardcopy "engagement tracking assessment" sheet and then update to an online shared file. (Ongoing Assessment for Learning)

Create an online collaborative Assessment for Learning sheet (Formative Assessment)

create an online Junior Humanities "binder"

Organize my Google Drive into a more user friendly format

Share and/or gain access to other staff members resources

Download AwesomeNote App and use it to organize my personal, school and SFU lists.


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