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Before I Start... Better Get Organized

I am an organized person.

Most of the time.

Well I am either completly on it, or it all goes to shit.

At the end of the summer I was thinking about what my field study should be about, and I realized that I need to rethink the way I organized my life. I have a written agenda and it's where I have all of my bills/appointments and my "to do lists." I am always annoyed when I have to rewrite the "to-do" list each day. I also use the icalendar app and I find that this is a bit redudant. So I did what I do when I need an answer, and googled it. I found lots of organizational websites, free trials, and all sorts of crap. Then I found a free 30-Challenge website. The idea is that each morning the website will email you a 10-minute video. It is run by a social media queen bee type, but she is also a New York Times Best Seller and massively successful. I decided that I would try it.


I did the 30 day video challenge and it did help me think and write down my goals for the year. Some of it was a bit cheesy but I found out about an app called Awesomenote. It is awesome! This app is a "to-do" list organizer and it allows my to move things from:

Today- Things that MUST be done today.

This week- Things that need to be done this week. Each moring I go through this tab and can easliy move the items from this week to today as needed.

Soon- This is where I write down notes, ideas, or things that I want to do/get done but they are a bit far away.

I am using this app everyday and it has changed the way I plan my personal and professional life.

Below are some examples of what my lists look like:


I have a list with the three different sections for my personal life, school, and sfu.

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