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Where next?

Where do I want to go next with my inquiry work?

I have been thinking about next year and how the basics are going to work. Everything is going to be flipped upside down, again. I will be team teaching a junior humanities course and team teaching a senior sciences course. The humanities course will be cross-curricular meaning it will include: English,Communication, Social Studies, Planning, Foods and Art. The senior sciecnes will include: Science, Math, Forestry, Agriculture, Tourism, Foods, and Art.

I will be planning and teaching these courses with another two different teachers on staff. To make things even more conplicated, the two staff members who I am team teaching with are polar opposites. One person is very organized, tech-savy, and plans everything to perfection. The other is very flexible, creative with planning experiential and hands-on projects, unorganized and clueless with technology. I get along with both staff memebers quite well, but I am still unsure which teaching style prefer.

I think that my next project needs to look deeper into the structure of team teaching cross-curricular courses and how to implement a system that will work well with opposite teaching styles. I few years ago I started making my own "big ideas" templates for coures that I was teaching. I think that I would like to create more of these templates for each of the courses that are included within the humanities/sciences course, and really look into ways to utilize the big idea template into my everyday practice. Below is an example of one that I have already created, but I never ended up doing anything I found expecially useful with them. My hopes are to integrate these into the ongoing assessment during the fall 2014 semester in a purposful and meaningful way.

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