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Where AM I Now?

Okay, well.....It's Friday and a "working day" for our summer 2014 presentation. So far I have watched the BC Bike race, had a nap, drank too much coffee, ate some cheese, got deep into some Facebook, and then spent some time researching online diploma progams (that's another story, but basically tqs is on my shit list)

I don't know if I should be cursing tqs on my teacher blog, but it's MY blog.

Here it goes.

July 4th - First attempt

I am a reflective person, but I don't like to slow down. I speak quickly, read quickly, eat quickly and by the time I slow down... I'm in bed. I think that I have a hard time recording my thoughts/prgress throughout this program becasue I have a pretty good memory and I don't want to spend time handwritting my thoughts. I know what I'm thinking! However, I am on the computer daily, and for some reason I don't mind putting effort into a online educational blog. Why? Not sure! I think possibly beacause I don't plan on ever hauling around a huge binder of my thoughts to and from school. All of my bills are paid online, all of my lessons, planning, and grading is done on the computer; I need to be create a working portfolio that fits me. I will be teaching for the next 30 odd years, and I don't think that this "internet" faze is going to die out! I feel confident that this will be something I will be able continue to add to, and access anywhere, anytime. Yesterday after talking with Leslie, my SFU mentor, I decided that it is important to continue with the creation of my professional working porfolio in an online capacity. I also think that this is the place where I need to integrate my professional development log, projects, coursework, and reflective thoughts.

Next year starts with some big changes. Massey is going to be leaving us and moving to Pemberton for a year. The timetable is also an ever-evolving thing at RAP. Over the last few years, we have put a major effort into building community and trying to erase the stigma of "Altie."

Well it worked. I think that the word has spread and our school population has changed drastically. Over the past few years our student population has gone from bitter seniors at the end of their educational road looking, to a HUGE influx of junior students ranging from grades 9-11. The typical older Altie student, who only needed a few courses for graduation, meant that most courses were self paced. Last year was the first year we offered direct instruction, for both a junior and senior age grouping.

Next year will be another change. We will be offering multi age, cross-curricular, direct instruction model with a team teaching appraoch. How that works, don't ask me... or maybe ask me in 2015!

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